

Leander, a mostly Williamson County city, is located off U.S. Highway 183 about 22 miles northwest of Austin. Parts of Leander are in Travis County. The city boast a population of 80,067 according to the 2023 U.S. Census population estimates. The city lies about 5 miles west of Georgetown and just north of Cedar Park. It is the third most populace city in Williamson County.





The Leander City Logo, a Texas Star over some hills and a river.

Under the direction of Leander Fire Department, the city’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEM) is responsible for the planning, coordination, and implementation of local emergency management and homeland security activities. The city also manages an emergency operations center to coordinate local efforts during significant crisis, weather and other high-risk events. All city emergency management activities focus on four primary phases of mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery.

Leander uses the CAPCOG regional notification system to send emergency messages via phone, text and email to local area residents. Cellphone users must register at WarnCentralTexas.org to receive the notification system’s messages by phone, email and text. For the most up-to-date information about City of Leander emergency operations, monitor city social media on Twitter, @Leander_Fire; or Facebook, facebook.com/LeanderFire/; or Instagram, instagram.com/leanderfiredepartment/.  Updates also may be posted on the city’s website at leandertx.gov or leandertx.gov/fire/page/office-homeland-security-and-emergency-management.

To request assistance during an emergency, please call 9-1-1. Please do not send requests for emergency assistance or alerts from a social media account.

The Leander Fire Department Patch coupled with the Leander City Logo
The Leander Police Department Patch states Integrity, Respect, Dedication Established in 1978.

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