Round Top

Home Fayette County

Round Top

Round Top is located in northeastern Fayette County and sits on a hill between Cummins Creek to the southwest and Rocky Creek to the east, tributaries of the Colorado River. Texas State Highway 237 passes through the center of town, leading northeast 22 miles to Brenham and southwest 16 miles to La Grange, the Fayette County seat. Round Top had a population of 87 at the 2020 census.





Fayette County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (FCOEM) provides for the safety of Fayette County residents through emergency preparedness, response and recovery. FCOEM serves as the coordinating point for disaster preparedness, mitigation, as well as response and recovery capabilities for Fayette County, in cooperation with the County’s various municipal governments, Emergency Medical Services, ten (10) Volunteer Fire Departments and nonprofit and volunteer first response organizations.

Fayette County uses Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG) Regional Notification System to notify residents about specific emergencies. To receive the notification system’s messages by phone, email and text, cell phone users should register at If you have a landline, you are automatically registered. Countywide major emergency information is posted at or, and on Facebook, and These agencies do not monitor social media post 24/7.

If you require emergency assistance, call 911. Do not post emergency requests or send emergency messages to County social media accounts.

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